A good school is a partnership between many diverse elements. The elements are the physical and ideological infrastructure of the school, its curriculum, its management, its staff, students and parents. For a school to work in an effective manner and provide a meaningful education all these elements need to work together harmoniously.
No single element is more important than the other and hence at MBIS, we consider our parents to be equal partners in our endeavour to provide an excellent education. We believe in creating as many forums as possible for parents to participate in and be informed about the school’s curricular and co-curricular programmes.
The Parent Teachers Association of MBIS is one of the most active forums and is a very pro-active body. They not only provide constructive criticism but are always supportive of the school and its activities. The school holds regular meetings with its parents during the PTMs which are held regularly and where parents are provided information about their child’s academic progress. Apart from this parents are also active participants in the cultural activities at MBIS and take enthusiastic part in coming to school as guest speakers in their areas of expertise.
Respecting the parents’ need to know everything about their child’s schooling experience we send regular notifications using Information Technology. And apart from these scheduled forums, our parents are always welcome to make an appointment with the subject teachers of their children or the section coordinator.
Little wonder that parents welcome this open-door policy and pay glowing tributes to the this wonderful responsible and respectful relationship with the school.